
publications by categories in reversed chronological order.


  1. What Can Quantum Information Theory Offer to Quantum Chemistry?
    Damiano Aliverti-Piuri , Kaustav Chatterjee , Lexin Ding , and 3 more authors
    Mar 2024
  2. Unveiling Intrinsic Many-Body Complexity by Compressing Single-Body Triviality
    Ke Liao, Lexin Ding , and Christian Schilling
    Feb 2024


  1. Ab Initio Transcorrelated Method Enabling Accurate Quantum Chemistry on Near-Term Quantum Hardware
    Werner Dobrautz , Igor O. Sokolov , Ke Liao, and 4 more authors
    Mar 2023
  2. Density Matrix Renormalization Group for Transcorrelated Hamiltonians: Ground and Excited States in Molecules
    Ke Liao, Huanchen Zhai , Evelin Martine Christlmaier , and 4 more authors
    J. Chem. Theory Comput., Mar 2023
  3. Block2 : A Comprehensive Open Source Framework to Develop and Apply State-of-the-Art DMRG Algorithms in Electronic Structure and Beyond
    Huanchen Zhai , Henrik R. Larsson , Seunghoon Lee , and 10 more authors
    J. Chem. Phys., Dec 2023


  1. Structural and Electronic Properties of Solid Molecular Hydrogen from Many-Electron Theories
    Ke Liao, Tong Shen , Xin-Zheng Li , and 2 more authors
    Phys. Rev. B, Feb 2021
  2. Towards Efficient and Accurate Ab Initio Solutions to Periodic Systems via Transcorrelation and Coupled Cluster Theory
    Ke Liao, Thomas Schraivogel , Hongjun Luo , and 2 more authors
    Phys. Rev. Research, Jul 2021
  3. Ab Initio Studies of Solid Phase Diagrams with Quantum Chemical Theories
    Ke Liao
    Jul 2021


  1. A Comparative Study Using State-of-the-Art Electronic Structure Theories on Solid Hydrogen Phases under High Pressures
    Ke Liao, Xin-Zheng Li , Ali Alavi , and 1 more author
    npj Comput. Mater., Dec 2019


  1. Applying the Coupled-Cluster Ansatz to Solids and Surfaces in the Thermodynamic Limit
    Thomas Gruber , Ke Liao, Theodoros Tsatsoulis , and 2 more authors
    Phys. Rev. X., May 2018


  1. Communication: Finite Size Correction in Periodic Coupled Cluster Theory Calculations of Solids
    Ke Liao, and Andreas Grüneis
    J. Chem. Phys., Oct 2016