Ke Liao

I have a strong interest in the theoretical and algorithmic development for solving strongly correlated quantum many-body systems, as well as in the application of these methods to study the electronic structure of molecules and materials. I have a Ph.D. in quantum chemistry from the Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research in Stuttgart, Germany, under the joint supervision of Prof. Ali Alavi and Prof. Andreas Grüneis. I worked as a part-time external science consultant for ByteDance in their pursuit of solving quantum chemical problems using machine learning. Furthermore, I did a postdoc at California Institute of Technology with Prof. Garnet Chan. During my past experience, I have contributed to well-known softwares, such as VASP, PySCF, as well as coded my own package PyMES. I constantly learn from colleagues or teach myself new theories and methods that significantly go beyond my past education.